1732 RE-ENACTMENTS -Gautam Shah

Re-enactment is a refined process of acting out some idea, dreams, thought, concept, or composition. Enactments are repeated feats and so use greater activation of skills of expressions. Technically, at one level, it is formalization of rules into laws, readied for enforceable action. At another level, it is dramatically recreating, an action or experience. To en-act is, to act=to do or to put out.

As the personal expression, these include, a controlled pace, rhythm, oration metres, use of settings, articulation with posturing, gestural means, aural loudness. Arts, performing arts, crafts, etc. resort to improvisations for re-enactments. The means include sharper or impressionistic details, abstraction, minimalism, forming a style.

Re-enaction is re-expressing a thought, concept or composition with two main settings, the time and the space. We record or communicate, after rearranging and refreshing the contents, in an altered time-space scale. This results in reinforcements, condensation by removal of less important section, recovery of missing parts and focussed organization.

Re-enactment occurs for communication, recording and remembrance and personal satiation of achievements. The focus of re-enactment is what one strongly feels, desires, or believes, and with that the entire experience is enlivened, justified or confirmed.

Events occur in spatial context and have time sequencing, but for re-enactment, it is the personal relevance that becomes the force-de-majeure. The links between spatial and temporal segments are not amenable to any logic and so remain ethereal.

The re-enactments occur for real or virtual target ‘audience’ and so relate to their value judgement system.


Author: Gautam Shah

Former adjunct faculty, Faculty of Design CEPT University, Ahmedabad and Consultant Designer

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