Visual stratification relate to the capacity of the eyes to move and concentrate (and ignore) any section of a visual field. The eyes have capacity to move horizontally and capture a wide visual scape, similarly eyes can move in vertical and angular directions, to scan the scene. Besides these eyes can select a particular section and capture greater details.

Stratification is a scene sectioning process. It needs some connectible edge marks to form the visual bridges. Where the scene is too wide or with some interference, the bridging does not occur. The scene markers are real and virtual. Real ones, consist of grills, lattices, sills, or such over lays. Artist once used to overlay or draw a grid to scale (reduce or enlarge) a picture. Virtual overlays are hypothetical bridges between imaginary points. These points, if are too distanced or dulled cannot form a bridge. We class real or virtual overlays as tools of visual perceptions.

Stratifications are scene divisions classed as circumstantial, intentional or accidental. Stratifications, to be realized well, the scene needs to have some framing conditions. So architectural openings, gaps, apertures, mountain valleys, etc., offer horizontal stratified scenes. Examples of vertical zoning of scenes are rather few.

STRATIFICATION of VISION (more at > Lecture series: Space Perception’ -Article-II of 15). https://designacademics.wordpress.com/2018/03/02/stratification-of-vision/