1762 FOLK or VERNACULAR Gautam Shah

The terms, relate to persistence of the past or often, the realization about it, in the later or current age. The terms are widely used to discuss the custom, style, manner, tradition, belief, behaviour, etc. The terms define the geographical place and time, where such effects are dominant. While doing so, one needs to trace the root or origin, It has a base location, but, rarely a time identity.

Folks are common and long term residents of a place, with some form of cohesive identity. Such a notion may also be a myth or an impression. Folklore refers to a collective projection of the folks of the place. The community, if small, traditions informally pass, from generation to generation. But, in very large communities these get transmitted as recorded or composed expressions. In both the cases, the traditions also get transmuted into products, behaviours and daily things, like foods, clothes, etc.

Vernacular emerges from isolation of a community from its neighbours or regions. The reasons for it, could be geographic, social, resources, religion or political. In such a condition, people begin to exploit their local resources and past learning, creatively and conservatively. As a result, a mature manner emerges, unavailable elsewhere. The vernacular sense is observed in patterns, colours, motifs, materials, food styles, language, vocal style, music, etc., forming ethnicity.